1. RTL::cma
    metadata for WTI CMA
  2. RTL::crudeOil
    dataset: crude assays
  3. RTL::cushing
    dataset: WTI Cushing Futures and storage utilization
  4. RTL::dflong
    dataset: commodity prices in a long dataframe format
  5. RTL::dfwide
    dataset: commodity prices in a wide dataframe format
  6. RTL::eiaStocks
    dataset: EIA weekly stocks
  7. RTL::eiaStorageCap
    dataset: EIA working storage capacity
  8. RTL::eurodollar
    dataset: Eurodollar futures contracts
  9. RTL::expiry_table
    dataset: expiry of common commodity futures contract.
  10. RTL::fizdiffs
    dataset: randomised physical crude differentials
    tbl_df|1453 x 23
  11. RTL::futuresRef
    dataset: futures contracts metadata
  12. RTL::fxfwd
    dataset: USDCAD FX forward rates
  13. RTL::holidaysOil
    dataset: NYMEX and ICE holiday calendars
  14. RTL::ohlc
    dataset: randomiser to convert settlement into OHLC
  15. RTL::planets
    dataset: IR compounding
  16. RTL::refineryLPdata
    dataset: refinery LP model sample inputs and outputs
  17. RTL::spot2futConvergence
    dataset: spot to futures convergence
  18. RTL::spot2futCurve
    dataset: spot to futures convergence curve
  19. RTL::steo
    dataset: EIA Short Term Energy Outlook
  20. RTL::stocks
    dataset: Yahoo Finance data sets
  21. RTL::tickers_eia
    datasest: metadata of key EIA tickers grouped by products.
  22. RTL::tradeCycle
    dataset: Canadian and US physical crude trading calendars
  23. RTL::tradeHubs
    dataset: GIS locations for crude oil trading hubs
  24. RTL::tradeprocess
    dataset: data for teaching the various ways to monetize a market call.
  25. RTL::tsQuotes
    dataset: interest rate curve data for RQuantlib .
  26. RTL::usSwapCurves
    dataset: US bootstrapped interest rate curve.
  27. RTL::usSwapCurvesPar
    dataset: US bootstrapped interest rate curve parallel sample.
  28. RTL::wtiSwap
    dataset: WTI Calendar Month Average Swap pricing data